Welcome to
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Universitas Islam Riau
Prospective Students
It’s time to turn plans into reality at Universitas Islam Riau, achieve a higher education degree with an emphasis on Islamiyah and virtuous character, and gain an understand of how the world works.
CONTOH : Saatnya jadikan wacana menjadi nyata di Universitas Islam Riau, meraih gelar pendidikan tinggi yang berkarakter Ismiyah dan Budi Luhur serta mengerti bagaimana cara dunia bekerja
Faculty Profile
Comunnication Sciences
FIKOM UIR has been established since 2009 in accordance with DIKTI Decree Number 1078/D/T/2009 concerning the Establishment of the Communication Science Study Program. Along the way, many changes and improvements have occurred and these various updates can be seen through the FIKOM Faculty Profile
Fun Facts of
The Faculty of Communication Sciences
- FIKOM was officially established in 2009, FIKOM is the youngest Faculty in UIR
- Focus on Communication Science in the Field of Media and Digital Communication
- Safe, Secure, and Lively environment
- Has a wonderful lake view
- Young, Creative and Innovative lecturers
Active Students
New Students 2023/2024
Study Program
Eni Mawati Hulu, Mahasiswa HI UIR Dinobatkan Sebagai Puteri Hutan Riau 2022
September 15, 2022
SKK Migas Laksanakan Kunjungan Ke Migas Center UIR
September 15, 2022
Students of FIKOM UIR attends Bujang Dara Pekanbaru event.
January 18, 2024
A Big Achievement of FIKOM UIR’s Students in PMM Program
January 18, 2024