Student Organization
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Universitas Islam Riau
Student Organization
Student Organization at the Faculty of Communication Sciences (FIKOM) is not only in the form of the organization itself but also in the form of Student Activity Units (UKM).
Student organizations in FIKOM consist of:
1. Student Executive Board (BEM) FIKOM which is engaged in the executive field of implementing student activities at the faculty level.
2. Student Election Board FIKOM which focuses on BEM Chairman election activities at the faculty level .
UKM is a meeting place for students who have similar interests, hobbies, activities and creativity. The UKM in FIKOM consist of:
1. Audio Visual Fikom (AVF), is a unit engaged in audio and visual fields as contained in video. The output of this UKM includes and is not limited to films, short films, content videos and various graphic design products.
2. Event Organization Fikom (Evorcomm), is a unit focuses on the field of event activities. In its activities, Evorcomm's external products are committees or events held in both formal and informal activities and are not limited to Fikom.
3. Radio Fikom UIR (RFU) is a unit engaged in radio broadcasting. Currently, this UKM is developing itself to penetrate the podcast field.
4. Forum Studi Islam Annaba’ (FSI Annaba’) together with UKMI Al Kahfi UIR is a student activity unit that focuses on Islamic studies.
Besides the student organizations mentioned above and existing UKM, FIKOM UIR also has organizations outside FIKOM, namely:
1. the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Universitas Islam Riau, This bond is a forum for FIKOM UIR alumni to stay in touch and always share the news with each other.
That’s all are the organizations and activity units of students and alumni in FIKOM UIR. FIKOM UIR always supports the activeness and hobbies of its students outside of academic support and is open to students to propose new units in themes other than existing ones.