A Big Achievement of FIKOM UIR’s Students in PMM Program

A total of 29 Faculty of Communication Sciences Universitas Islam Riau (FIKOM UIR) students were selected for the Merdeka Student Exchange program (PMM) in 2022. The second batch of the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program finally held a release on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at the Auditorium Room of the Rectorate Building of Universitas Islam Riau. A total of 148 students consisting of various study programs in nine faculties at Universitas Islam Riau. Students who take part in this PMM program studied for one semester from August 22, 2022 to January 2023 and UIR students dispatched directly to the universities chosen by each student. FIKOM UIR students who graduated from this program then will carry out learning on the Java Island campus including AMIKOM Jogjakarta and Telkom University Bandung.

 In addition to studying, students will learn and experience firsthand the various cultures in a number of universities that have been chosen by students. The PMM program is one of the flagship programs of directorate general of higher education, research and technology, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology which provides opportunities for students to use their learning rights outside the study program and outside the university. With this PMM program, it is hoped that students can implement the knowledge gained after this program is completed so that they will be more eager to carry out lectures because they have gained new experiences and energy from the campus.
